Monday, 12 December 2016

Where the Music Starts

    Hey guys so this is my first blog post and I thought I would start with a nice piece on where Music came from. Hope you enjoy.                      

                             Where The Music Began

The story of music is one of tragedy, love and passion. Through the ages music has been a way that we can communicate our deepest feelings in a way that speaking them never could. Our declarations of love and grief is heard in so many songs, its still a surprise how emotional listening to it can get. Just like the piece that Mozart wrote after his wife died. There is always a lone, solo instrument playing a sad melody line with some accompaniment. When did we get the idea to create such a way of describing emotions??

File:Divje Babe flute.jpgAlthough we don't know exactly when music began we like to think that it started with someone singing or clapping. The oldest instrument discovered is the Divje Babe flute. It is believed to be over 40,000 years old. Some say that it is only a chewed piece of bone and that we are trying to make something out of nothing, but if this is the case than tell me where do you think music came from and what the first musical instrument ever discovered is. Although I agree that it doesn't look like the most exciting instrument to exist it is where it began and we wouldn't have any of the things we have now if it wasn't for the Divje Babe Flute! The music of the time that this flute existed is called primitive music.

It is thought that the rhythm 2/4 was the fist time signature ever created as it resonates with the sound of our own heartbeat. We reproduced this natural rhythm and brought it to life by beating a drum or hitting a rock with a stick. As Victor Hugo says " Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent".

Was music accidently created or was it something that couldn't remain silent. Did it have its own mind and used others to let us figure out this new way of communicating. We might never know what truly made music exist but that doesn't stop anyone from appreciating it since the very first time we heard it. As Langston Hughes said " Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid" 

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